CNR International (U.K.) Limited

Key data

Ninian Central Platform (NCP) is located in the East Shetland Basin, Block 3/3 of the UKCS. The platform is a single leg concrete gravity structure which supports a steel module support frame with combined production, drilling and accommodation facilities. Fluids are gathered from various reservoirs and processed, before exporting oil to the Sullom Voe terminal in the Shetland Isles in which CNR International has a 22% majority working interest.
Ninian Southern Platform (NSP) is a combined drilling and production platform, with accommodation facilities, and is supported by a steel jacket.  Processed oil is exported via a metering station and Ninian Central Platform to Sullom Voe Terminal.
The Lyell, Columba Subsea Fields (linked to Ninian Central) and Strathspey Subsea Field (linked to Ninian Southern Platform) are the focus of the subsea elements of the decommissioning planning.

  Ninian Hub Facts
East Shetland Basin, Northern North Sea
UKCS 3/3 and 3/8a
NSP - 457km (284miles) North-North-East of Aberdeen
NCP - 460km (286miles) North-North-East of Aberdeen
Water depths:

NSP - 140 m (460ft)
NCP - 133 m (436ft)

Ninian Field discovered:
NSP - June 1977
NCP - May 1978
First Oil:
NSP - December 1978
NCP - December 1978
Platform Types:
NSP - Steel. 56,600 tonnes
NCP - Concrete Gravity Base. 630,000 tonnes


NSP - modules - 27,500 tonnes
NCP - modules - 38,700 tonnes
Total Heights:
NSP - 312m (1023ft) from the seabed to the top of the drilling derrick
NCP - 234m (767ft) from the seabed to the top of the drilling derrick
Page updated 2-07-2024